The class must be the fully-qualified class name. 该类必须具有完全限定的类名。
When a global variable is referenced within a DML SQL statement or within a trigger, view or routine, a dependency on the fully-qualified global variable name is recorded for the statement or object. 如果DMLSQL语句、触发器、视图或例程内引用了一个全局变量,将为语句或对象记录关于完全限定全局变量名的依赖关系。
The procedure takes the fully-qualified name of a table as input parameter and sets up the necessary data structures that are passed to the API function. 该过程以一个表的全限定名称作为输入参数,并设置必要的数据结构,以便将这些数据结构传递给API函数。
The process definition includes the fully-qualified command to start an agent, as well as the name of the agent to be started. 进程定义包括将用于启动代理的完全限定命令,以及将被启动的代理的名称。
Replace "localhost" in the following code with the fully-qualified name of the machine that is running the service. 将下面代码中的“localhost”替换为运行服务的计算机的完全限定名称。
Contains the fully-qualified drive, path, and file name of a help file that contains more information about the error. 包含帮助文件的完全限定驱动器、路径和文件名,该帮助文件包含有关错误的更多信息。
DNS name is a fully-qualified DNS name. dns名称是一个完全合格的dns名称。
This property is true if a server name is a fully-qualified DNS host name. 如果服务器名称是完全限定的dns主机名,则此属性为。
That is the fully-qualified name of the directory path and file name where files are shadow copied. 它是在其中进行文件影像复制的完全限定的目录路径名称和文件名。
If you are running this sample in a cross-machine scenario, you must replace "localhost" in the preceding code with the fully-qualified name of the machine that is running the service. 如果您在跨计算机方案中运行该示例,则必须将前面代码中的“localhost”替换为运行服务的计算机的完全限定名称。
A common name is the fully-qualified domain name used by this site. 公用名称是用于此站点的合格的域名称。